A well-balanced nutritious meal is available Monday through Friday through the South Central Human Resource Agency. Home delivery is available to those who qualify. See below for information on the Meals-On-Wheels Program.
The participants are required to be 60 and over. You will be provided a nutritious lunch for a nominal contribution. The SUGGESTED donation is $1.50. Reservations should be made 1-WEEK in advance, since the meals are catered from an off-site location. A sign-up sheet is also available at the center. It is located on the table by the kitchen window for you to check the days you would like to eat with us.
****If you are unable to sign-up at the Center you can call the Meals Office at 931 380-3950, Option 2 to see if we can accommodate you for lunch on a shorter notice. ****
If you plan on joining us for lunch, please sign up at the Center -- OR -- please call the day BEFORE (by 11:30 a.m.) at 931 380-3950, Select: Option 2.
For information regarding the "Meals on Wheels Program" call 1-866-836-6678. There is an application process. Please leave your name, phone # and best time to reach you. It can take up to 2 days to hear from the program facilitator.